The last day of 2013. As I peruse social media networks today most are reflecting on 2013, looking back at accomplishments or reminiscing about difficult events in their lives. My choice, however, is not to look back. My choice is to take the lessons learned and look forward. With all of this time in front of me, what am I going to do? I have huge goals for 2014, and I hope to make each one of you a part of that goal.
This post is not all about me though. This post is about what 2014 brings for Colleen and Tyler. I met up with Colleen and Tyler at a coffee shop to discuss their wedding plans. We clicked and it was for sure an enjoyable meeting. I love all of their wedding ideas and cannot wait for their nuptials in May. But 2014 doesn’t just bring a wedding for this gorgeous couple, they are very shortly moving to Chicago! They love to travel and have a sense of adventure and share my “look ahead” philosophy. I know that 2014 will be amazing for these two!
We wanted to wait for snow for their engagement portraits but were in a crunch to complete the session before their big move. Honestly, I think they chose a gorgeous morning with beautiful sunrise. I was so pleased we chose Gaver Farm for their engagement photography session. Check out that sun!
P.S. You can see their wedding here!

Colleen!!!! You’re absolutely stunning! I cannot wait to see you in a wedding dress!
Also, notice the frost all around?
Sigh… so stinking sweet! These two… just gah!
Once the sun came up, we warmed up a bit and captured some beautiful sun flare.
Cold air. Warm breath. Sweet smiles.
We had our engagement experience at Gaver Farm in Mt Airy, Maryland. A huge shout out to the Gavers for allowing us to use their beautiful farm. My family goes there every year for pumpkins and Christmas trees.
They are going to make beautiful babies one day. For reals.
The sun was up. We were ending our session, and we snapped a few more at the tree line.
And as we were making our way to our cars a flock of geese flew overhead. I asked Tyler if he knew why one side of the V was longer than the other…
…and then answered my own question with, “because there are more geese on that side.” Yes. I’m a complete dork and amuse myself. At least Colleen and Tyler seemed amused as well. 😉 If anyone has a better answer, please feel free to share!
Expect to see lots more of Colleen and Tyler after their May wedding. Wiggling in my seat with excitement.
Happy New Year!